Weitblick in den Bergen: Exploring New Horizons


Paul Heinen

🤷🏻 Who are you?

Dr. Paul Heinen

👷🏻 What do you do at evos?

· Project management in the area of manufacturing and measurement process development

· Scaling of manufacturing processes🔎 What is your expertise?

· PhD in laser beam microwelding, welding engineer

· 6 years of professional experience in research and development, welding processes and process monitoring

· 7 years of professional experience in manufacturing companies, (pre-)series development and ramp-up for manufacturing, assembly and measuring processes

🎉 What makes working at evos special for you?

· Finding quick and pragmatic, yet robust solutions

· Short coordination paths and quick iterations to test different solution approaches

· Just do it and try it out instead of discussing it at length

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